1. Integrity : Doing the right thing because it is the right thing even when it is inconvenient or hard is a guiding principal we seek to live by for those we serve and in our personal choices. Helping you to heal requires earning your trust and for trust there must be unquestionable devotion to integrity in word and action.
2. Quality : None of us are perfect, but we must each strive to continue to grow and dedicate ourselves to quality to maintain standards of excellence. By expecting the best of ourselves, we inspire and grow the chance for others to achieve excellence in their own lives.
3 Freedom : We hold the right to choose as scared and the right of everyone we work with. From the escape from the prison of our pain to the daily decisions that define us as a wonderfully unique individual, freedom is one of the most precious gifts of being human that allows us to shape our lives.
4. Contribution : When we have been given the ability to help others there is a natural responsibility to reach out to those who cross our path in generosity of mind, body and spirit. We each have gifts that can make our world a better place by giving to others to ripple healing and hope.
5. Equality : While different, we are all deserving of respect and to be treated with the same rights granted to each not to be the same but equal in resources, support, and access to healing.
6. Tolerance : Only when we are open to new ideas and show respect our differences can we learn from each other to help others in the journey of healing. We believe in having open heart and mind for all views and practices that do not endanger or harm self or others.